Whats the coolest thing about being stateless?
Some people think you’re a spy.
Whats the crappiest?
Not being able to travel easily.
Is being stateless lonely?
Do you feel a citizen of a particular place?
No. But that doesn’t mean there are no places where I feel at home.
If you could pick any country to be a citizen of, which would it be?
Maltese, because I’m pretty sure it’s a fictional place.
Arent you glad you’re not american? (You dont have to answer that)
Yes. (You don’t have to publicise that.)
Do you conveniently play allegiance to different countries depending on the situation?
Only in terms of supporting their football teams. Spain, I’m looking at you.
Is statelessness superior to citizenship?
If citizenship is contributing to blind patriotism, then a lack of nationality can be a good thing. However, given that citizenship and global cosmopolitanism can co-exist, no.
Is statelessness the way of the future?
Statelessness as a state of mind, yes. Statelessness as a form of paperwork, no.
If statelessness had flag, what would it look like?
It could be made of paper and covered in official-looking stamps.
If statelessness had a passport, what colour would it be?
Paul Smith stripes, with a globe design, on a sturdy leather cover.
If statelessness had a stereotype, what would it be?
Stateless people: we’ll marry for citizenship.
Thanks for your time.
You’re welcome.
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