Saturday, November 15, 2008

To The Apples Of My Eye, Po and Awa (or, "On Things I J'adore About November")

A few days ago, i went for a walk and there were the most superbly bright fuchsia-coloured wild flowers growing out of a patch of overgrown weeds. This picture i took with my phone doesnt do them any justice, but they look like little spikey pompoms, perfectly bulb-shaped and strangely solid-looking. At the ends of the spikes of the petals are tiny little yellow star-shaped speckles.

I picked the whole bush.

Apparently November blossoms the prettiest, most uniquely exquisite and perfectly delightful things.

Happy 14th (1988) and 16th (1986) of November, pumpkins.
I love you both more than this, that, and everything in between.

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