Saturday, November 8, 2008

Don't Be A Star, Its Such A Drag

I have so much music that i never listen to.

Unfamiliar music is like cafes you always pass but never go to. It might be a clearly popular place too, and even warm and inviting looking, but the thought of potentially disliking it makes taking the plunge of actually going inside an ordeal from the outset.

I have found that the best way to combat new-music-anxiety is to have the album play while you clean your room. The distraction of the tidying takes the edge off the unfamiliarity. The songs do their thing, and you do yours, and everyone is happy.

But, the best part is that there is almost always a pleasant surprise to be had, much like the pleasant surprise of cleaning out your car, cos its that time of the year, and accidentally finding an average to awesome sum of money under the stuff under the seat.

What happens is, out of absolutely nowhere, suddenly you'll momentarily return to consciousness and go, "Wait a minute, what IS this?! Its SOOO GOOOD".

And VOILA! A favourite song is born.

Current favourite song: "Ooh La" by The Kooks.


Vahid Yamartino said...

This is a very good suggestion actually, and it's happened to me. You have to be uninvolved in the listening process. You have to divert your eyes and not let it look you straight in the face, for fear of disappointment. And I too have found out that most music is good. Trouble is, most of it isn't great.

Sean Ray said...

Man this is sooooooo true...

i think it's not so much the action of busying yourself rather than the fact that if you are distracted by doing other things you forget to put up the normal barriers that keep you from being open to expanding your sonic horizons and your comfort zone of audio familiarity...

And why not...the best music pushes us to listen in a new way, sometimes you have to fool yourself to be able to do that...

So vacuum with Rye Rye, dust with Shazam, do your laundry with Kid Cudi, and do some gardening in "Marvelous Times"...your house and your ears will grow a mutual appreciation for each other...