Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On Cycles

I have recently come to realise what i presume is a fairly obvious phenomenon to the rest of the human race:  that without cycles, everything dwells undifferentiated amidst everything else on a plateau-like plain of anarchic craziness. A place sans-cycles is a place of muddled incomprehensibility.
Of course, nature obviates such a realisation by way of binding us to inescapable biological laws. Yet at a microcosmic scale, this understanding of cyclic necessity seems to not have crystallised as organically in my mind for some reason.
The realisation that led me to this realisation of the awesomeness of the cycle is that, daily "to do list"s comprised of all things needing doing in all facets of one's life at any given point in time are physically impossible to execute. When all priorities assume equal roles on paper*, they cease to exists as "priorities" by very definition of the word. The result is a perpetual state of panicked anxiety, gravely taxing of one's faith in one's self, and, eventually, if left unattended, the world at large.
It was somewhere amidst this kerfuffle that i took a minute to reassess matters, and it didnt take long before memories of years of my father's insistent scheduling advice peeped its head and refused to retract it again. The Art Of Compartmentalising isnt something im at all well-versed in, but my father is (i feel it might also be a phenomenon more common among the male species) and it is quite clear to me now that one must practice and perfect it in order to tick off one's "to do"s in any sort of systematic, effective and satisfying fashion.
There are loads of scheduling systems and schemas and schools of thought from which to choose, but one week for each "to do", on cyclic rotation, is the preferred scheme for the time being, the "to do"s in question being those more serious ones, like "finish 3 books half-read on bedside table", rather than, say, "clean room".  
 *as a figure of speech; "to do list"s need not be physically penned pieces of stationery. Indeed, the most notorious are those which float around ominously in one's conscious wakefulness, and subconscious sleep(fulness?) alike.
Figure 1.
A cycle/s that is seriously awesome is the Baha'i Calendar. Here are the names of the months:
Questions   (currently in)

1 comment:

Vahid Yamartino said...

I like this a lot. I was gonna do a post on cycles but haven't gotten around to it. Without cycles you have absolute randomness, which is impossible. Another thing to keep in mind too though, is that no cycle is identical to the previous. Changes are differences in cycles, but without the rest of the cycle, you can't tell what's changed.